All You Need to Know about Applying Night Creams

A good night cream is often needed to rejuvenate the skin and repair the damages suffered by it. This blog underlines the importance of applying good quality night creams. It largely focuses on the aspect of when and how to apply night creams. It mentions two simple steps women should follow when applying a night cream.

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The facial skin is faced with a number of external aggressors during the daytime, such as the harsh sun rays, dust, and pollution. Hence, it is crucial that women take definite steps to care for the skin at night, as they return back home. While the typical day creams provide the skin with a certain level of protection against UV and pollution damage, night creams are necessary to help the skin to rejuvenate.

The skin goes into a certain regeneration mode as people go to sleep. To properly facilitate and complement this regeneration and rejuvenation process, a good moisture cream for night is required.  Good quality night creams are made to accelerate tissue repair process of the skin. Many night creams are enriched with advantageous natural ingredients like Astaxanthin, which goes a long way in supporting natural skin renewal. Night creams are popular for improving the overall health of the skin to a great extent, while providing it with a distinctive glow and radiance.

When and how to apply night creams?

Women should ideally apply a good moisture cream for night prior to going to bed. Here are two simple steps women should follow when applying a night cream:

  • To eliminate all traces of makeup and dirt from the facial skin, women should firstly wash their face with a good quality cleanser. It would be a prudent choice to use a gentle cleanser that is enriched with organic ingredients, so as to ensure that it is not too harsh on the skin. After properly cleansing their face, women should pat it dry with a soft, clean towel.
  • Women should now apply their chosen night cream on their clean and dry face. They should typically smear this skincare product in gentle upward strokes or circular motion by using their fingers. In addition to the face, night creams can be applied on the neck. Women should, however, be careful about avoiding the area around their eyes when applying any night creams.

The quantity of night cream to be applied on the face would majorly depend on their texture and thickness. Women should ideally apply this skin care product around half an hour before going to bed.

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