Steps Involved in a Perfect Nighttime Skincare Routine


Every woman would understand the importance of following a daily skincare routine. However, the basic cleansing, toning and moisturizing procedure may not be enough to maintain the good health of the skin in the urban polluted environment. Hence, it has become imperative for every woman to follow a certain nighttime skincare routine as well. Due to the makeup applied on the skin, pollutants prevalent in the air, and the ultraviolet rays of the sun, the skin of a woman tends to become quite dry and damaged by the end of the day.  Hence, to ensure that she looks her very best, every woman should follow an effective nighttime skin care routine.

There are certain steps women should follow before they go to sleep in order to cleanse the skin of the day’s dirt and makeup, thereby preparing it for the healing process that takes place when a person is sleeping. Here are a few tips women can follow as the steps to a perfect nighttime skincare routine:

  • Cleansing:  While every woman knows the importance of adequately cleansing the skin every night before going to bed, many a times after a tiring day at work they tend to skip this routine and straight head to bed. However, so should not be the case as the skin acquires a lot of dirt and grime throughout the day which must be washed away before going to bed. Every night women should use appropriate cleansers and face wash to remove all the dirt and grime that settles on the face throughout the day.
  • Makeup removal: Many beauty products such as concealers, foundation, blush and CC creams blend in with the skin impeccably so as to enhance its radiance and glow. These products often cannot be removed with the help of a simple face wash. Hence, women must use a specialized melting makeup remover in order to remove the remains of any beauty product from their skin.  Women should ideally use a makeup remover that has the ability to even dissolve the traces of waterproof makeup. These removers can be applied on the face with the help of a clean cotton pad or even a tissue paper.
  • Exfoliation:  A woman should exfoliate the skin at least two to three times per week at night. An exfoliating treatment helps in dislodging makeup and dirt from deep inside the pores of the skin, as well as ensures a smooth texture of the skin. It also plays a key role in removing dead skin cells, thereby enabling faster skin rejuvenation, which subsequently makes it look healthier. In case a woman has a dry skin texture, she should limit herself to exfoliating her skin to two times a week.
  • Toning: Toning plays a key role in opening up the skin pores and removing any type of contaminants that may be still present on the skin. It is advisable that women use toners specifically made for their skin type. For example, a woman with a dry skin type should not use a toner that contains alcohol as it may irritate or further dry out her skin.
  • Moisturizing:  Before going to bed it is important to moisturize the skin, so as to complement its resting and replenishing process. Women should ideally use a moisture fresh bb cream that provides a perfect glow to the skin and helps it to replenish the essential oils that get washed away in the cleansing process. It is advisable that women use moisturizing creams that include sea sourced minerals which can provide the skin with adequate hydration.

To purchase skincare products required for a nighttime routine, women can easily check out the websites of some of the prominent beauty product brands of the country.

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